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Official Community Plan (OCP)

The purpose of an Official Community Plan is to provide policy framework to help guide the physical, environmental, economic, social, and cultural development within the municipality.

Zoning Bylaw

The Zoning Bylaw is the how an OCP is implemented in the municipality. The Zoning Bylaw sets out zoning districts and regulates development within each zoning district.

Building Bylaw

The Building Bylaw is a mandatory bylaw that municipalities are required to put in place to administer and enforce construction standards within the boundaries of the municipality.

What does this all mean for my project?

Any development, with very few exceptions, requires a Development Permit. A Development Permit Application must be completed in full and returned to the office with the appropriate application fee. Should the development include the erection of a building, a Building Permit is also required. A Building Permit Application must be completed in full and returned to the office. There may be stages of the building process that will require inspections by a Building Official. This will be noted in your permit. The R.M. has contracted Municode to provide Building Official services.


Should you wish to subdivide a portion of land, application must be made to Community Planning. However, the guidelines set in the R.M.'s Zoning Bylaw regarding site size, setback, use, etc. must be followed as well as the requirements set by the province. More information about subdividing can be found on the Saskatchewan website page Municipalities and the Subdivision Process.



Community Planning - This page provides information on things like the Official Community Plan & Zoning Bylaw requirements, as well as the subdivision process, along with other land use items.


Building & Technical Standards - This page provides information on building related things, some of which includes building bylaws, building official licensing, construction standards & legislation.


National Building Code of Canada, 2020 This is a link to the National Building Code of Canada, 2020.


© 2023 Rural Municipality of Reciprocity No. 32

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