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Are you interested in running for Council? Check out the following page on the Saskatchewan government website for more information on municipal elections & some of what to expect if you're elected.


Running for Municipal Office

Running for Municipal Council.jpg

Voting In a Municipal Election

To vote in an RM election in Saskatchewan, you must:

  • be a Canadian citizen;

  • be at least 18 years of age and one of the following:

    1.  have lived in the RM for at least three consecutive months immediately   preceding the day of the election;

    2.  be the registered owner of property in the RM;

    3.  be the assessed person with respect to property situated in the RM (or   property now in the RM, refer to Section 207 of The Act);

    4.  be the occupant of a trailer or mobile home in the municipality that is   object of a permit required (refer to Section 306 of The Act);

    5.  be the spouse of an eligible voter mentioned in a, b or c; or

    6.  be the chief executive officer of a duly incorporated co-operative, corporation or religious association that is assessed on the last revised assessment roll with respect to property in the RM that is not exempt from taxation.


Voters are only eligible to vote in one division. The division in which you are eligible to vote is determined by the first of the following applies:

          - the division where you reside;

          - the division where you own assessed property; or

          - the division where you hold a permit as the occupant of a trailer or mobile                home.


If you own assessed property in more than one division & you do not live the RM, you are eligible to vote in the division where you have the highest total assessment. If the total assessment is equal, you will vote in the lowest numbered division. There are exceptions to this, see Section 39 of The Local Government Elections Act for further detail.


For more information on voting in municipal elections check out Voting.

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