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Reeve - Steven Bendtsen

Steven began his municipal career in November 2014, when he was elected as Division 2 councillor. He served in this capacity until the year 2024 when he was elected as Reeve of the municipality.

Division 1 - Roy Annetts

Roy became Division 1 councillor November 12th, 2020.


Division 2 - VACANT

Division 3 - Cheryl Harrison

Cheryl became the councillor for Division 3 October 13th, 2022.

Division 4 - Wade McWhirter

Wade became the councillor for Division 4 November 10th, 2022. Wade previously served as Division 4 councillor from 2001 - 2007 & 2009 - 2014.

Division 5 - Louis Gervais

Louis became councillor for Division 5 in November of 2012.

Division 6 - Kim Carlsen

Kim was elected as Division 6 councillor in 1987. Kim took over the position from his father Donald who put in many years as Division 6 councillor.


© 2023 Rural Municipality of Reciprocity No. 32

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